Following on from my recent post about the new Lowrance StructureScan I now have some more screenshots to show you. These are of a wreck lying 33m down in the English Channel off Brighton. The scans were taken at 8 knots in a moderate sea.
I think these shots are useful to British boat anglers who have mostly had only shots from freshwater American lakes and the like to look at until now. I think these show the technology works at sea!
There are 3 shots of the same wreck – the first is the down scan view, the second is the side scan view and the third is the conventional 2D fishfinder view (albeit this is from the latest Lowrance Broadband sounder – a leap ahead in it’s own right).
Hope you find them useful:
Thanks Ray, very interesting view! Been considering a sidescan system for a while now and as you say it is interesting to see some images other than from an American pond.
Hi Lilbrit, glad you found the images useful – it really is an excellent system 🙂
Ray, thanks as well. Very exciting to see some real world salt water images. I have a couple of questions I wanted to ask, as I’m planning to purchase an HDS-10 as well. Which transducer are you using for the down imaging? How deep can you see with the side and down imaging? Any advice for someone getting ready to purchase the same system?
Hi Andy,
The down and side imaging work off the same transducer which is a transom mount and supplied with the structurescan system. For the conventional 2D fishfinder side of things any standard 5/200khz transducer will be fine. Sidescan works best in depths up to 40 metres, whereas the downscan works to several hundred metres (I cant remember the exact specified depth but we fish in a maximum of 70 metres so not an issue for us).
Ray, I use my boat on rivers more that the offshore so am looking for something that performs well in shallow water as well. Most units I have tried are not suited to shallow waters. I fish the Severn in Worcestershire so need something that will work at depths up to 7m, any ideas?