A break in the weather allowed us to nip out on Sunday for another day of Cod fishing and what a glorious day it was too, not a breath of wind and glorious sunshine all day! We’d only got out once in the preceding week which proved to be a rare blank on the Cod, perhaps the tiny tide had something to do with it that day….
Anyhow, enough of blanks, we were all fired up and determined to find a fish or two and the bigger tide looked promising as well.
We arrived at our mark on slack water so it was a case of waiting for the ebb to trickle off and sure enough, just as the tide started to run, BANG Mike Pile had an “enquiry”.
It seemed to be a very good fish and after a carefully played fight a proper “Mud Pig” (to use the correct nickname) graced the net. At 24lbs this Cod is out first twenty plus this winter on Grey Viking and yet another personal best for one of our anglers, well done Mike!

Mike has been boat fishing for 18 months so he’s not a beginner by any means, but he was fishing with his mate John who has been boat fishing for over 20 years. Guess what? John has never had a twenty plus Cod in all those years, so you can imagine the banter and ribbing that ensued!
As is often the case with winter fishing we had to sit it out and wait for another bite and as the tide eased another graced the net, a shade over 10lb.

Ok, the fish ain’t leaping aboard in numbers at the moment, but they rarely do in winter. That said, if you want a personal best Cod NOW is the time to book – the big ones always show up in winter!
Do YOU want to catch a big Cod? Call me on 07850 171722 if you’d like to catch a fish like this.
Hello Mike..There is no doubt that you do fishing very well as you had experience of 20 years..So it seemed to be a very good fish and after a carefully played fight a proper “Mud Pig”..