With the Pollack competition being cancelled and a few members of the team still wanting to go out fishing today we decided that we would head out. The sea had a bit of a short chop to it with up to 19 knots of wind from the S/SW it was a comfortable but slow ride out.
Today we headed south to wet our lines and to see if the water was clearing out in this direction. With the winds easing during outward journey we arrived at our fishing mark to find that the sea had leveled out and so set about getting ourselves some Pollack for dinner.
Drift number one produced 2 nice fish one of which was a PB of 11lb for James. He was thrilled with his fish and we are sure he knew he had a decent size fish on his hook despite the fact that whilst reeling in he kept saying it was only a 4 or 5 lb er. Well Done James!
The second fish came in for Gavin a little smaller but would produce a lovely meal this evening.
This was a very promising start but the following few drifts failed to produce any more Pollack and with very little tide running we decided to head off to another wreck. The wind at this point was also picking up again and turning round.
As it turned out we visited 2 or 3 more wrecks, which were nearby only to find that they were not yet holding any decent fish.
Undeterred we headed off again to yet another wreck and found it alive with fish. The wreck fishing today was proving to be hard work with the weather.
Ray carefully set up the drifts and we sent the lures down.
I was eventually rewarded with a Pollack of my own and shortly after Gavin pulled in another, both of which were 9lb.
Again the most productive lure today was the rhubarb and custard sidewinders.
Thanks for a nice day out guys and I hope everyone enjoys their fish supper tonight.