It has been a really busy week for Grey Viking. We have been out wreck fishing and ground fishing. We have taken out evening trips as well as birthday and stag parties. We have seen regulars out on the boat with us and met some lovely new people too.
We started the month of July with a smashing young group who joined us out on the boat for some fishing and to celebrate a birthday.
With music and champagne flowing the day was a lot of fun. There was certainly more celebrating than fishing going on but the birthday boy who lost a couple of nice bass early on in the morning finally got one in the net later in the day.
Happy Birthday!
The following day we were fishing with a stag party and and we between them they landed some smashing Cod of up to 14lb but the hightlight was to come on our short evening trip when we were joined by little Zac. Zac had told his mum that he really wanted to catch a fish and take it home and eat it, so mum brought him along on a lovely sunny evening and we headed out for a short Mackerel fishing trip. Despite being only 4 he soon got to grips with the fishing rod and was fishing for Mackerel like a professional.
Full of excitement and Zac very quickly caught his first fish.
4 year old Zac with his first fish!
It was non-stop fun throughout the entire trip with Zac filling a bucket with Mackerel and even managing to catch a couple of Gurnards which he released back to the sea.
The time flew by and it was very quickly time to head back home. There was just enough time to show Zac and his mum how to gut and fillet the fish ready for supper and give the boat a good hose down.
Well done Zac – you were a superstar!
The wreck fishing trips have seen great this week too. The summer cod are in prime condition and we have seen the bites and catches becoming more consistent. I have certainly been kept busy gilling, weighing, tagging and gutting fish this week.
Yesterday saw another good day out on the wrecks. The cod caught today we mostly under 10lb. Perfect for the table! Tony played in the biggest cod of the day which weighed in a just over 10lb.
Also caught today was this small John Dory. It was for many of the crew on board as it was for me too the first time they had ever seen one.

Like I said its been a busy week but one which we have really enjoyed. The next few days sees us out on the wrecks fishing for more of those lovely prime summer cod.
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