If you read about Grey Viking’s amazing start to the wrecking season on Friday 21st January you can imagine that I was itching to get out to the wrecks again to have another go! The trouble was the following couple of days were met with strong northerly winds restricting us to fishing inshore for the weekend and bagging up on some good quality Dabs. Then the following week I was away on a course and exam to upgrade my commercial skippers licence to Yachtmaster Offshore (which I passed). So the next opportunity to get out for some wreck fishing finally fell 10 days later on Monday 31st January.
I suspected another decent catch might be on the cards so I rang my mate FishyRob at short notice the evening before to see if he could crew because I knew an extra pair of hands would be essential if the fishing was going to be anywhere near as good as the previous trip!
We had a crew of 9 anglers, 4 of whom were new to wreck fishing plus Rob and myself and there was certainly a buzz of hopeful anticipation aboard as we departed on a two and a half steam out of Brighton to the wrecks, giving us 4 hours of fishing time to try and land some Cod and Pollack before the same long steam back!
Upon arrival I lined up the first drift and the fishfinder lit up like I’ve never witnessed before, so it was hardly a surprise when within seconds I heard 7 shouts of “fish on!” from the crew – keeping Rob and myself busy with the landing nets!
Looking Fishy on the Sounder!
This kind of frantic action continued for the next few drifts, with loads of double figure Cod landed but as the tide picked up the bites stopped and so after 3 fishless drifts (despite the sounder still showing stacks of fish) I instructed the crew to wind up as a move to a nearby wreck was in order.
Upon arrival at the next wreck the action started immediately and again the sounder was telling me the wreck was alive with fish, the trouble was these were smaller Cod and Pollack in the sub 8lb class. A slight reposition of the boat to drift over a different section of the wreck soon sorted this out and for the rest of the day it was non-stop action with mostly double figure Cod!
From one of the more hectic drifts!
At 1400 it was time to turn for home after four hours of non-stop action with a very happy and tired crew grinning like Cheshire cats. Everyone aboard (myself included) were fully aware we had been involved in a truly exceptional Red Letter Day – the like of which I’ve never seen before. You’d have to go back to the seventies to recall fishing like this, which is before my time before anyone pipes up with a wise crack! It wasn’t just the quantity of fish, it was the quality too – prime winter Cod at their top weights (as they were full of Roe) plus a good number of Pollack too.
The statistics speak for themselves:
- 60 Cod and 11 Pollack landed (we didn’t count the Pout)
- Conservative total catch weight well in excess of 700lb
- 8 Cod over 20lb
- Best of the day 24.5lb for Mikal (who was sick most of the day)
- Best Individual catch Mark Wilson – over 160lb of Cod!
- Close behind was my mate Nick Coster with 10 Cod totaling 125lb!
A few more pics from the day:
Best of the day went 24.5lb
A couple from this drift
Mid -Double For Shaun Johnson
18lb for Lee Johnson
Another mid-double figure Cod
A brace of 20lb’ers for Mark Wilson
22lb for Nick Coster (one of his 10 Cod)
Some of the best from the day and a happy Crew!
So a record day aboard Grey Viking, the likes of which are sadly very rare in this day and age!
Thanks to Rob and the crew for being part of such an amazing day!
If you want to book a wreck fishing trip as a group charter or on an individual basis call me on 07850 171722 and I’ll get you out fishing!
i hope my young un see,s this on my page keep saying lets try the channel
Hi Roy,
Thanks for the comment, it’s certainly fishing well off Brighton at the moment!
What an experience that must have been! Brilliant catch, especially that 24.5lb’er.