Drift fishing on wrecks is exactly as the title describes. The Skipper will set up drifts over the wreck so that you can fish close to it. To do this it is best to use a flying collar rig and lures such as jelly worms, leadheads and sidewinders. The Skipper will advise you on hook length and amount of lead required etc.
When the boat is up tide of the wreck you will be fishing your lure on the sea bed as the drift starts, winding in your line a at steady and constant pace for perhaps 20 to 40 turns, depending on the skippers advice as you pass over the wreck, then dropping back down to the bottom again depending on the shape and size of the wreck being fished.
The skipper will be constantly communicating with you so that your lure is at the correct depth necessary to catch the fish. It is important to count the turns as you go so that if you get a bite you will know at what level in the water the fish are. This should then be remembered for the next drift.
Different species may be encountered at different depths and positions on the wreck. For example, Cod and Ling maybe on the bottom scour with Pollack higher up or above the wreck structure itself.
It is also important to remember that when a fish takes the lure that you DO NOT strike.
The fish will bite and then immediately dive for the wreck whereby it will hook itself. All you need to do it to continue to reel in and resist the urge to strike as doing so can result in losing the fish.
For more information please take a look at our wreck fishing page.