We have at last been able to get out after the recent snowfall. Having been snowed in since last Tuesday we were itching to get out and do some fishing. With the roads still very icy and we didn’t have a charter today so we decided to head out with Beth and one of our new friends Lukas who both love getting out when they can.
The weather forecast was looking nigh on perfect with light South Easterly winds and the ebb tide for most of the trip. We decided to head back to The Mill (a mark 3.5 miles south of Brighton Marina) as its been fishing really well and producing some good size cod.
We were getting bites from the off but nothing resulting in a fish being netted. We were all of the same thinking and that we were being attacked by whiting and or dogfish.
By mid-day the cod started to bite. We had the tide in good flow and everyone stopped the chatter to concentrate on hooking a big one.
A couple of strong bites were struck and the rods bent double – a couple of big cod were on there way …….. or so we thought. Both fish were lost on the way up!
Beth managed to land her fish on the next bite and gained a new PB with a lovely 9.5lb cod.
With the slack water we had a period of quiet which was followed by another period of good strong bites. Unfortunately these also fell of the hooks on the way up and so today was definitely a case of the one(s) that got away.